Inför den nya Premier League-säsongen lanserar Beats By Dre en ny kampanj med Manchester United-stjärnan Marcus Rashford. I en kortfilm speglas hans karriär till ord av Way Out West-aktuella UK-rapparen Dave, som även är ett stort Man United-fan.

“The thing I love about football is that it gives you the opportunity to rewrite chapters every season. No one chapter can define you. This rallying cry from Dave, who’s a good friend of mine, sums it up perfectly. We pick ourselves up and we go again. Together. United.”

Rashford kommenterar vidare kampanjen och samarbetet:

“Dave has a way with words that can articulate feeling like no one else. He understands that football mirrors life, you’re always going to face obstacles but it’s how you react and recover that defines us.”

Mer info om kampanjen via