Läs reaktion av Londons borgmästare på sociala medier.
UK-rapparen TKorStretch har avlidit. Enligt HotNewHipHop knivhöggs den unga rapparen till döds under Notting Hill Carnival i London under måndagskvällen. Polisen utreder just nu mordet som de menar ägde rum offentligt bland hundratals människor.
TK var en uppåtgående rappare med drygt 11 000 månatliga lyssnare på Spotify. Under 2022 hann han släppa låtarna “The Hotspot”, “HB Freestyle”, “Clap” och “Gaza”. Rapparens manager, Chris Patrick, gick under gårdagen ut på sociala medier och beklagade de inträffade. 21-åringen lämnar både flickvän och ett barn efter sig.
“His talent was endless and I can tell you guys he was close to greatness! So it’s with a heavy heart that I bring the news that Takayo (TKorStretch) passed away last night He came from Bristol to simply have a good time at the London carnival and this is the end result! My deepest condolences to TK’s Mother & Father his Brother, 2 Sisters, Girlfriend and child that will never meet his father! TK was a good kid, a good guy and what has happened breaks my heart…Rest in peace my Friend”, skriver Patrick.
Visa detta inlägg på Instagram
Londons borgmästare Sadiq Khan har också gått ut på sociala medier och fördömt det omdömeslösa våld som kostat rapparen livet. På Twitter skriver han:
“I am sickened by this awful attack. Violence has no place on our streets and we are doing everything in our power to root it out. I urge anyone with information to contact the police on 101 or anonymously by @CrimestoppersUK. There is no honour in staying silent.”
I am sickened by this awful attack. Violence has no place on our streets and we are doing everything in our power to root it out.
I urge anyone with information to contact the police on 101 or anonymously by @CrimestoppersUK. There is no honour in staying silent. https://t.co/5jO9g0qkHU
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) August 30, 2022
Foto: @tkorstretch/Instagram