Den brittisk-födde rapparen Blaine Cameron Johnson, mer känd som Cadet, har enligt uppgifter avlidit. Enligt BBC satt han i en taxi på väg till en spelning på Keele University i Staffordshire, England när han omkom i en svår bilolycka. Nyheten bekräftades senare via rapparens officiella Instagram-konto:
“We The Family of Blaine Cameron Johnson otherwise known as Cadet (Underrated Legend) would like to share the sad new that during the early hours of 9th February 2019 he passed away as a passenger in a taxi, en route to a performance. Right now we the family appreciate your patience and will share with you any information as and when we can. Thanks for your support in advance. Love The Johnson Family.”
Cadets kusin Krep, ena halvan av duon Krept and Konan, uttryckte sin sorg på sociala medier:
“My life will never be the same again. I love you and will forever miss you. I can’t believe it. I am heartbroken. Rest in peace cuz. You finally started getting the recognition you deserved. I’m so proud of you. My left lung. Im devastated and broken right now.”
My life will never be the same again. I love you and will forever miss you. I cant believe it. I am heartbroken. Rest in peace cuz. You finally started getting the recognition you deserved. Im so proud of you. My left lung. Im devestated and broken right now ??
— TALLY (@kreptplaydirty) 9 februari 2019
Även välrenommerade kollegan Stormzy gick ut med ett personligt meddelande.
“Look at what everyone is saying about you, I proper don’t even know what to type this feels mad weird,” he captioned a video. “I was gonna write a long speech about how I met you and what you’ve done for me but where does man start. Everyone loves you look at what everyone has to say about your heart and character. This guy ALWAYS, as in literally every single time I see him greets me with a ‘I love you lil bro,’ the last few times we’ve seen each other that’s all we say, we haven’t even caught up, man just sees you and you say you know I love you lil bro and I say bro from early I love you.
This guy has saved my arse when I was dead broke and made it a duty to let me know you’ve got my back, like that’s all you say and remind me. This man exudes love. I can’t even explain how clean hearted you are, look what you mean to everyone. No one will ever forget you big bro, words can’t do anything justice right now but rest in peace to the absolute REALEST and I can say that with my hand on my heart. Love you bro.”
Johnson blev 28 år gammal.