Tupac Shakurs biologiska far, Billy Garland, har efter premiären av dokumentärserien “Dear Mama” suttit ner i en längre intervju med Art Of Dialogue. I ett nytt utdrag från intervjun öppnar Garland upp om mordet på sonen i Las Vegas, som han menar hade kopplingar till att federala agenter bevakade Tupac och flera andra personer vid tiden för mordet. Garland menar att han tror han att “the government”, med åsyftning på polismyndigheter, ligger bakom sonens död. I ett resonemang kring den utpekade gärningsmannen Orlando Anderson och gängledaren Duane “Keefe D” Davis säger han:
“Well, I think the key question there is the government. The government gave him the deal. [2Pac] was being tailed by the government the night of his assassination. He was being tailed by the government [at] Quad Studio—that’s a known fact.
“So I don’t know this guy Keefe, I don’t know. Maybe he had to say that to get out of some issue, I don’t know. I just know it looked like a setup to me. Somebody told this guy to stand there with the Death Row thing and it pursued to what we had, but I don’t think [Orlando Anderson] had anything to do with the death of my son. … Not at all.”
Att polismyndigheterna varit iblandade i mordet är något som även avhandlats av författaren John Potash i boken “The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders” från 2016, skriver HiphopDX.
Redan förra veckan kom ett annan utdrag från intervjun, där Garland reagerade på sonen låt “Dear Mama”:
“At first, I was upset. Because I’m trying to see you. But then it hit me. For one, I ain’t dead and so you really didn’t know me. Because if you would have known me, you would have known that that I wasn’t dead. So I knew there that someone had lied to him from that point. So later on when I found out that someone did lie to him, that song made perfectly good sense. I understood it totally.”