"I will never see Christiania the same"

Den 26:e november spelade Talib Kweli på Pumpehuset i Köpenhamn som en del av sin Europaturné. Nu uppger rapparen via Instagram att han samma kväll utsattes för en rasistiskt motiverad attack. Innan konserten tog Kweli tillsammans med label-kamraten Nico Is en promenad till drogliberala fristaden Christiania, ett ställe som han tidigare prisat som en utopi och kallat en av sina favoritplatser i världen. Där ska han ha blivit påhoppad på grund av sin hudfärg. Brooklyn-rapparen skriver:

“I was attacked by two bigots last night saying they “hate me” and they didn’t even know who I was, they just didn’t like the color of my skin. It wasn’t an Internet attack, it was physical. I was hit and kicked.”,

Kweli klarade sig undan skador och kunde genomföra showen som planerat. Vidare i Instagram-inlägget skriver Kweli att attacken visar att alla kan utsättas för rasism:

“It goes to show you that racism and hate doesn’t stop for ppl with money or “celebrity” whatever that means.”

Han avslutade med att tackade Köpenhamns-fansen för den visade uppskattningen efter konserten. Läs igenom hela inlägget nedan.

“Me and @nikohigh walking into Christiania Copenhagen last night. One of my favorite places in the world until last night. I’ve been hearing about Danish racism on the rise. I witnessed it firsthand. I was attacked by two bigots last night saying they “hate me” and they didn’t even know who I was, they just didn’t like the color of my skin. It wasn’t an Internet attack, it was physical. I was hit and kicked. Thank you to @nikohigh for helping me get out of there. It goes to show you that racism and hate doesn’t stop for ppl with money or “celebrity” whatever that means. They stop nothing tho. The show still went on, Copenhagen was a great crowd. Even tho I will never see Christiania the same, a place I once wrote about for a travel blog as utopian, I will always love my fans in Denmark. Your love last night, especially while I was away from family during holiday, only made me stronger.”

Talib Kweli är högaktuell med albumet “Indie 500” med 9th Wonder som släpptes i november. Lyssna nedan: