Stöttas av den Disney-ägda franchisen.
“Star Wars”-familjen står bakom John Boyega, efter att skådespelaren under onsdagen levererade ett mäktigt tal under en Black Lives Matter-demonstration i London. Boyega, som spelat karaktären Finn i tre “Star Wars”-filmer, adresserade sina medmänniskor med hjälp av en megafon där han känslosamt pratade om de orättvisor som svarta fortsätter att utsättas för.
“Black people I love you, I appreciate you, today is an important day. We are fighting for our rights, we are fighting for our ability to live in freedom, we are fighting for our ability to achieve … today you guys are a visible representation of that. I need you to understand how painful it is, to be reminded every day that your race means nothing. That is not the case anymore — we are a physical representation of our support of George Floyd … We don’t know what George Floyd could have achieved. We don’t know what Sandra Bland could have achieved. But today we’re going to make sure that won’t be an alien thought to our young ones”, sa han bland annat.
“Star Wars” officiella Twitter-konto postade sedan flera citat från talet och refererade till Boyega som en hjälte.
“Lucasfilm stands with John Boyega and his message that, ‘Now is the time. Black lives have always mattered. Black lives have always been important. Black lives have always meant something”, går även att läsa i ett uttalande på “Star Wars” hemsida.
“The evil that is racism must stop. We will commit to being part of the change that is long overdue in the world. John Boyega, you are our hero.
We stand with and support you, @JohnBoyega. View his full speech:
— Star Wars (@starwars) June 3, 2020
Se hela talet nedan.
Foto: David Parry/@thenikkidiaries_