Tillsammans med bland andra Russell Westbrook. Se klipp och bilder här!
Kendrick Lamar, Russell Westbrook och DeMar DeRozan var några av de som medverkade under söndagens demonstration i Compton. NBA-stjärnan Westbrook talade även till demonstranterna med ord som:
“Continue to stick together. Continue to fight for one another. Continue to lift each other up. … Continue to protect your own, protect your team, protect your family. In times like this, we need to stick together. Put a fist up.”
Comptons borgmästare Aja Brown gjorde också reklam för demonstrationen via Facebook där hon skrev:
“Our kids are watching us and they deserve to live in a better world, a better city that ensures their peace and protection, full liberty and justice for all.”
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Foto: Big Ret Twittet