När Kanye Wests omfattande “Saint Pablo Tour” nådde San Jose i Kalifornien på torsdagskvällen fick publiken, förutom musik, höra en längre “rant” om presidentvalet, Black Lives Matter och möjligheten att han själv ska försöka nå Vita Huset 2020. Pitchfork har transkriberat delar av Kanyes uttlande under konserten som skapat mycket upprörda känslor bland artister och lyssnare. I synnerhet fick Kanye utstå besk kritik i sociala medier för uttalandet “I told you all I didn’t vote right? But if I would have voted, I would have voted for Trump…”. Sociala medier var inte sena med att svara med “trumpifierade” memes på Kanye (se ovan). Brooklyn-rapparenTalib Kweli svarade även upp direkt till Kanye via Twitter:
“@kanyewest feelings don’t matter fam. Facts matter. Real niggas still got love for you. But our ppl dying out here. Never Trump.”
Även Snoop Dogg reagerade på Kanyes uttalanden och postade en serie av videoklipp där han kommenterar helgens rants:
Se Kanyes “rant” från San Jose nedan samt textutdrag.
Om Donald Trump:
“Well, ‘Ye, how you gonna expect people to vote for you if you ain’t even vote? I’m concerned not about the idea of being president or the actual job of it. I’m concerned about putting our concept of how to do the job in a new way. And if no one will do it in that way I will take position in 2020 and do it myself. ‘Aw you ain’t gonna get it now because of what you just said.’ It was proof that it didn’t matter what nobody just said! It doesn’t matter!”
Om Black Lives Matter:
“That don’t mean that I don’t think that Black Lives Matter. That don’t mean I don’t think that I’m a believer in women’s rights. That don’t mean I don’t believe in gay marriage. That don’t mean that I don’t believe in these things because that was the guy I would’ve voted for.”
Om Kanye som president 2020:
“I don’t say 2020 out of disrespect to our president at all. I’m not saying that, ‘Aw man, that just mean that anybody can win.’ That’s not what I’m saying when I say 2020. I’ll just say I got some ideas about the way that we should connect our ideas. And we should use opposite parties that the Republicans, that the Democrats, that everyone that ran that had an idea that people agreed with should be the collective ideas that are used to run the country.”