Berättar om händelsen i en rad känslosamma tweets.
Den 8 december 2019 avled rapstjärnan Juice WRLD efter en oavsiktlig överdos. Den allmänt kända versionen av händelsen är att rapparen ådrog sig ett dödligt slaganfall när hans privatplan landade i hans hemstad. Enligt uppgifter svalde Juice WRLD en stor mängd piller för att gömma dem för polis, som fått information om att vapen och droger fanns på planet. Men enligt Chris Long, Juice WRLDs fotograf och nära vän, var det inte den egentliga anledningen.
Häromdagen öppnade Long upp om situationen på Twitter, då han i märkbart dåligt skick började med att skriva “I can’t do this anymore. I give up.”
Han fortsatte med att förklara vad som egentligen hände och hur illa Juice WRLDs missbruk faktiskt var.
“Thanks for all the messages. I’m trying so hard. But if I can’t do it let’s make sure some things are clear. J did not swallow a bunch of pills because the police where [sic] at the airport. We gave no f*cks about them being there. He could have flushed them down the toilet if he cared. J was just hooked bad. The amount he took daily was absurd and he hid how much he really took from mostly everyone. Everyone around him tried really hard to get him to slow down. When he agreed to rehab it was because he wanted to lower his tolerance. He didn’t want to stop.”
Detta stämmer också överens med vad andra personer nära rapparen har sagt. Lil Bibby, Juice WRLDs manager, har tidigare sagt att han gått med på att läggas in på rehab efter att man förstått hur mycket droger han faktiskt använde.
“J was supposed to go to rehab that month”, bekräftar Long i sin Twitter-rant. “We tried so hard to do positive things everyday like ride dirt bikes or paintball to keep busy and not do pills but every night once he hit the studio that was it. He loved it. I never thought he would od I was always scared of getting bad pressed pills so got test strips. I tested every batch he got, but no one knew how much he really took because he was hiding it. Once max and I really started counting how much he had and how fast he went though them.”
Long berättar att han såg sin vän dö på golvet och bekräftar även uppgifter om att man gömt vapnet i hans resväska för att han hade ett tomt brottsregister och inte hade något emot att ta smällen för Juice WRLD.
Läs alla inlägg nedan.
I can’t do this anymore. I give up.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 10, 2021
Thanks for all the messages. I’m trying so hard.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
But if I can’t do it let’s make sure some things are clear.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
J did not swallow a bunch of pills because the police where at the airport. We gave no fucks about them being there. He could have flushed them down the toilet if he cared.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
J was just hooked bad. The amount he took daily was absurd and he hid how much he really took from mostly everyone. Everyone around him tried really hard to get him to slow down. When he agreed to rehab it was because he wanted to lower his tolerance. He didn’t want to stop.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
J was supposed to go to rehab that month. We tried so hard to do positive things everyday like ride dirt bikes or paintball to keep busy and not do pills but every night once he hit the studio that was it. He loved it.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
I never thought he would od I was always scared of getting bad pressed pills so got test strips. I tested every batch he got, but no one knew how much he really took because he was hiding it. Once max and I really started counting how much he had and how fast he went though them
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
I miss him so much. Everyday. I miss having someone to talk to that understood me and cared. I miss goofing off. I miss filming him freestying for me because he knew I loved it. I miss making him Red Baron pizza at 3:30am and he liked it burned af. Shit I miss rolling his blunts
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
I never did pills like that maybe occasionally take a half they always scared me. I’d sip sometimes for sure. Now I want to take percs and sip and get fucked up as possible to feel like those times when actually I did do it with him.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
I had to watch little bro die at my feet. I had to look in his eyes while he was dying and I could do anything about it.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
He had nothing to worry about. He knew the cops where there before we landed. We put that strap in my bag it was all good I had a clean record and I’m a register owner. I had no problem taking that charge.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
That man treated me better than any other human on earth. Just on a personal level. He cared about me just like all his friends. It was so genuine and pure.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
And I can’t stop thinking about him over and over again there on the ground and I was just looking in his eyes that’s how I had to say bye to him. It’s just burned into my brain. I want it to stop.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
I had to watch Ally holding him screaming losing the love of her life right in her arms.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
It’s so hard to function sometimes this has ruined me completely. It’s ruined jobs, relationships I don’t think I’ll ever feel normal again.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
I miss my brother man why couldn’t it have be me not him.
— chrislongfilms (@chrislongfilms) May 11, 2021
Foto: Anastasia Baranovskaia