"We marched with Black Lives Matter. In 2022, we marched with Ukraine. Today we ask you if you will march with us?"
Under helgen kom en ny våldsvåg i den eviga konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina. Efter en attack utförd av den militanta islamistgruppen Hamas har den israeliska regeringen nu deklarerat öppet krig enligt Associated Press och intensiva bombningar mot Gazaremsan har redan skördat drygt 1 000 liv på båda sidor.
En av många som uttalat sig om de senaste dagarnas våld är 15-åriga palestinska rapparen MC Abdul som bland annat mist en vän. Men också den judiska rapparen Kosha Dillz, som var bokad att spela i Tel Aviv mitt under pågående attacker. Nu har han uttalat sig till AllHipHop där han sörjer utvecklingen och även kritiserar allmänheten för bristen på stöd.
“Yesterday’s attack will go down as one of the most horrible days in Jewish history in our lifetime. It’s a day when children and grandmothers were slaughtered, ripped from their homes and documented on social media for the world to see. Outside Israel, celebrities and influencers were still figuring out how to compose ‘a post’ on the problems they had with the Israeli government, even though no one was asked that before being kidnapped or murdered”, säger han och fortsätter:
“A peaceful music festival in the desert was shot up with target practice, which many of us would’ve attended or performed at. Tuesday, I was scheduled to perform a peace concert at Levontin 7 in Tel Aviv, but it has obviously been canceled. In 2020 and 2021, we marched with Black Lives Matter. In 2022, we marched with Ukraine. Today we ask you if you will march with us? Will you even ask us how we and our family are l doing? Sadly, my phone has been silent.”
I en intervju från 2014 uttalade sig Kosha Dillz, i samband med releasen av musikvideon “No More War (Peace Drums)”, för att försöka skilja på konflikten mellan Israel och Hamas samt den mellan Israel och Palestina-frågan i stort.
“There are a lot of things like #FreePalestine which are popular in Hip Hop culture. Hip Hop came from being oppressed, but I think Hamas is the oppressor. People should look up ‘Free Palestine From Hamas.’ Free Palestine from Hamas leadership, which would give a chance for peace. I think what people need to differentiate is that there are Palestinian people and there is also people who support Hamas, which is an international terrorist organization.”
Han sa då vidare:
“This is the war of Israel versus Hamas, and Hamas is not actually fighting to free Palestine, but to pursue their own causes of profiting from the war machine and continuing their crooked ideology.”
I enkla drag handlar konflikten om landområden som Israel ockuperat och som Palestina anser vara sina. Sammandrabbningar med dödlig utgång sker regelbundet mellan den israeliska militären och palestinier. De senaste åren har det framför allt skett vid gränsen mellan Israel och Gazaremsan. Då och då avfyrar radikala grupper i Gaza raketer mot södra Israel vilket besvaras med israeliska flyganfall.
Se klipp från attacken nedan och ytterligare uttalande av Kosha Dillz.

Foto: Pressbild