Den iranske rapparen greps förra veckan efter protester mot Irans regim.
Den populära rapparen Toomaj Salehi greps för drygt en vecka sedan, i samband med regimens försök att stävja protesterna i landet. Nu uppdaterar rapparens familj via hans Instagram-konto och uppger att inga besök tillåts i fängelset, där han förmodas torteras i isolering.
“…despite repeated requests, visitation requests have been denied. Toomaj Salehi is still under torture in solitary confinement and his life is in danger.”
I inlägget står det vidare att läsa:
“He is known for his music criticising the oppression in Iran and demanding freedom. As an artist with an audience, Toomaj was actively using his platform, especially in the past 8 weeks, to share information about the revolution happening in Iran and be the voice of people who do not have a voice, who have been imprisoned before and who are being tortured by the regime. He also joined all protests with the people on the street in Iran.”