Att narkotikamissbruk skördar otaliga dödsoffer årligen, råder det ingen tvekan om. När Earl “DMX” Simmons avled i april 2021 var det efter ett flera decennier långt narkotikamissbruk, där rapparen kämpat i åratal för att slippa beroendet.

Nu har DMX:s dotter, Sonovah Hillman Jr, lanserat en GoFundMe-insamling med syftet att spela in en dokumentärfilm om narkotikamissbruk och dess effekter på barn. 10-åringen säger i ett uttalande:

“I felt like I had to do something to help this crisis. It would be a series that shifted discussions as they speak with children who have been affected. I came up with the idea to do a four-part docuseries on fentanyl and drug addiction. I want to show the world the point of view from a child’s perspective.”

Hon berätttar vidare:

“I want to reach out and ask for assistance with some of the production costs to get started. These funds will be used for pre and post-production. All donations are greatly appreciated and will help me get closer to my goal of educating, spreading awareness and saving lives.”

Läs mer om insamlingen här!
