Uppladdningstapet inför hans kommande debutalbum gästas av ScHoolboy Q och Scarface.

MMG-rapparen förbereder sig inför släppet av hans debutalbum (ännu utan vare sig titel eller releasedatum) med mixtapet Honest Cowboy. Via Twitter förmedlade Stalley sina tankar om tapet, som han utger för att vara “ett album innan albumet”:

“This mixtape I like to call the album before the album. I wanted to give you guys a more personal piece of music to sit wit before the album. This is the most open and honest I’ve ever been in my music.”

Titeln Honest Cowboy förklarar Massillon, Ohio-rapparen med en tillbakablick till sin far, som var något av en modern cowboy:

“I’ve always been infatuated with cowboys, being that my father was somewhat of a cowboy. He travelled from Ohio down to San Antonio, TX, to work on different ranches and farms. You know, cowboys is some of the most honest people that you can meet; there’s no in-between with them. They tell it how it is, whether you like it or not. That’s how my father was and that’s how I am.”

Honest Cowboy gästas av ScHoolboy Q och Scarface samt en rad ansedda producenter: Terrace Martin, Block Beataz, S1, Cardo och DJ Quik. Lyssna på “NineteenEighty7” (ft. ScHoolboy Q, prod. Terrace Martin) nedan och ladda ner mixtapet HÄR.


1.) Spaceships & Woodgrain (prod. DJ Quick & Cardo)

2.) Swangin’ ft. Scarface & Joi Tiffany (prod. Block Beataz)

3.) Samson (prod. Rashad)

4.) The Highest ft. Crystal Torres (prod. Block Beataz)

5.) Cup Inside A Cup (prod. Black Diamond)

6.) Feel The Bass (prod. Block Beataz)

7.) NineteenEighty7 ft. ScHoolboy Q (prod. Terrance Martin)

8.) Raise Your Weapons (prod. Block Beataz)

9.) Long Way Down ft. Crystal Torres (prod. Soundtrakk)

10.) Gettin’ By (prod. S1)