Efter att öppet kritiserat Universal Republic får rapparen ut sin skiva lagom till det nya året skålas in.

Under veckan har Angel Haze varit i blickfånget sedan hennes skivbolag Universal Republic först tillkännagav att debutskivan “Dirty Gold” fått ett releasedatum till mars månad. Detta gjorde Angel Haze upprörd och hon gick ut med en lång rad tweets där hon kritiserade bolaget för svikna löften.

Nu har Universal Republic backat och tidigarelagt Angel Haze albumrelease till 30:e december. Angel Haze reagerade positivt på nyheten och skrev via sociala medier där hon inkluderade låtlistan:

Behind every rebel is a fucking reason. Just want to say thank you guys for your support today. Thanks to those who heard the album and fucked with it. Thanks to everyone who stood up for me. My labels didn’t think that I would do it, but I did. It’s hard to put at risk everything I’ve spent this year working on but I had to for both me and you guys. No one should ever be afforded the opportunity to fuck with your dreams. REGARDLESS OF WHO THEY ARE. They do not own you or your faith or your future and because of what you guys helped me show them. My labels have agreed to release Dirty Gold December 30th. Uk & US. (Rest of the world, we are coming for you as well). Thank you all. Night

1. Sing About Me
2. Echelon (It’s My Way)
3. A Tribe Called Red
4. Deep Sea Diver
5. Synagogue
6. Angel + Airwaves
7. April’s Fools
8. White Lillies / White Lies
9. Battle Cry
10. Black Dahlia
11. Planes Fly
12. Dirty Gold

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