Senaste veckan har Tyler, The Creators relation till Eminem varit ämne för diskussion. Efter att Eminem lagt homofobiska rader om Tyler “Kamikaze”-spåret “Fall” kommenterade LA-rapparen hur han reagerade, till The Guardian:
“Did you ever hear me publicly say anything about that? Because I knew what the intent was. He felt pressured because people got offended for me. Don’t get offended for me. We were playing Grand Theft Auto when we heard that. We rewound it and were like, ‘Oh.’ And then kept playing.”
Relationen till Eminem tycks intressera fortsatt då Tyler, i en nypublicerad intervju i Rick Rubins podcast “Broken Record”, förklarar hur han ser på Eminems artisteri:
“Some people who hear a smooth beat like, ‘I’ma going fuckin’ yell on it! I’mma do this,’They’re more thinking of saying cool sh*t rather than making a good song … Eminem picked some of the worst beats ever.”
Tyler tillade dock kort därefter:
“His energy and witty lines is what made the songs cool.”
Tyler kan vara på god väg att stå nästa på tur att möta Eminems ilska, efter förra vinterns uppmärksammade “beef” med Machine Gun Kelly.
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