I ett nytt nummer av magasinet Playboy sitter Travis Scott och Nas ner för en timmeslång diskussion om bland annat kraften av internet, generationsgapet inom hiphop och relevans. Mötet ägde rum i en stor herrgård i Hollywood Hills, där Nas även pratar om att ändras med tiden.

“I can stay me, sure, but the challenge is to stay with what’s going on. If you look at the great ones from back then, a lot of them have four albums; they had short careers. That’s changed now. All the restrictions are gone. You can be free to make your music.”

Travis svarar med att berätta om sin beundran för veteranen och nämner även andra inspirationer som James Blake, Björk och Kid Cudi.

“I got a whole other line of respect for how you came into the game. One of my idols is Kid Cudi and the way he tells his stories about how he felt as a kid growing up, like where he’s from. I related to that. I adopted my own form of storytelling–whether it’s through melodies or through raps or both.”

I slutet av konversationen passade Nas även på att ge Travis Scott råd kring karriären.

“The hip-hop game is about staying and sustaining and keeping it going. You’re a great rapper, but they can’t just put you in a rapper box, because your music is going in so many different directions. You’re a rock star, and it always was like that.”

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