"Love Never Dies".

Sedan den tragiska bortgången av Nipsey Hussle förra månaden har vännen och kollegan The Game gjort det lilla extra för att se till att hans minne ska leva vidare. Varje dag har rapparen delat med sig av en bild på Nipsey med en anekdot om deras relation eller en berättelse om vad han var för typ av person. Igår, onsdag, gjorde han dock något annorlunda då han delade med sig av en dikt tillägnad flickvännen Lauren London.

Dikten, titulerad “Love Never Dies”, är en hyllning till deras relation där han bland annat skriver:

“Soulmates are born/Sometimes worlds apart/As they grow, in life/there’s a magnetic energy/that pulls them closer & closer/to one another”

Läs den vackra dikten i inlägget nedan.

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“Love never dies”. A poem I wrote for Lauren……. Soulmates are born Sometimes worlds apart As they grow, in life there’s a magnetic energy that pulls them closer & closer to one another This love knows no color It is blind When you find this love there’s a sign They say you can miss it if you blink It might pass you by if you think If by chance the universe aligns with those two hearts in the same place at the same time Then & only then will you know that love in its purest form has a glow It has a touch, it has a feel it can’t be undone it is God’s will Just as we’re lucky to have the gift of life finding a soulmate is living twice & though one day the physical must part this love does not live in the dark 2 souls forever bonded & unbreakable seal An everlasting strength A heart at the peak of eternal bliss The feeling you were born to know The life you were born to share The love that can never be replaced as you were created as a pair You & Nip found one another As some soulmates never do Now a picture in black & white will always be “Nipsey Blue”. #TheMarathonContinues ? #OneNipPostADayTiliFadeAway

Ett inlägg delat av The Game (@losangelesconfidential)
