"I came up with Ghetto Earth because earth is ghetto."
Mindre än en månad efter att Summer Walker tycks ha avslöjat sin graviditet, lanserar hon nu sin egna label Ghetto Earth Records via Interscope Records. I samband med lanseringen avslöjar hon också att NO1-NOAH, som gästade hennes EP “Life on Earth”, blir den första signade artisten.
“I came up with Ghetto Earth because earth is ghetto. I don’t wanna be controlling over my artist’s music. I want them to be fully involved in everything they put out. I’m just here to support and help them get to wherever it is they’re trying to go in life”, säger hon i ett uttalande.
Det första släppet från NO1-NOAH genom Ghetto Earth Records väntas släppas redan nu på fredag, den 11:e december.
“Summer is a true visionary. She’s writing her own rules as one of the most talented artists in R&B music today and is now adding entrepreneur to her vast repertoire. Summer brings an unapologetically outspoken and empowering voice to Ghetto Earth and a radically different and much-needed perspective to developing emerging talent such as NO1-NOAH. We are thrilled that Summer has chosen Interscope as Ghetto Earth’s partner and home”, säger Nicole Wyskoarko från Interscope Records.
Summer Walker släppte sitt hyllade debutalbum “Over It” i fjol.
Foto: Pressbild