Efter att artister som Tupac Shakur, The Notorious B.I.G och N.W.A porträtterats i biografiska filmer senaste åren, avslöjade även Snoop Dogg under 2018 planer på att spela in en film eller TV-serie om sitt liv. För drygt två år sedan delade Snoop med sig av information om projektet:
“I’m thinking more along the lines of when you watch great shows like Narcos on Netflix. You know, how like Narcos went from Escobar to Cali cartel, now it’s about to go to Mexico. I’m thinking like a Snoop Dogg biopic.”
Snoop Dogg ville även att projektet skulle skapas av välrenommerade filmskaparna Lee Daniels och Ryan Coogler. I en ny intervju med AP utvecklar Snoop resonemanget om vem som skulle kunna gestalta honom på vita duken:
“There’s so many dope actors that have graced the screen and there’s so many dope actors that have yet to grace the screen. I don’t know who could play me. It would have to be someone who could win me over. When I think of someone playing you, I think of how Jamie Foxx played Ray. That was like spot on. So I would have to find me a Jamie Foxx or someone that could actually become Snoop Dogg on screen and give me all of that element. And I don’t know if that person is out there or has yet to be discovered. But when I get to that point, I’ma find him.”
Det finns i dagsläget inga konkreta uppgifter kring manus ,eller inspelningsstart, för en film om Snoop Doggs liv.
BIOPIC PICKS: Rapper @SnoopDogg is prepared to search high and low for the perfect person to play him in the future. #MyBiopic pic.twitter.com/e1OYFlmKIo
— AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) February 1, 2021