“I was like, ‘Damn this shit really over.’ I know now that I was wrong."

I slutet av förra veckan gick YouTube- och Complex-profilen DJ Akademiks ut med en snippet av en konversation mellan J. Cole och Lil Pump, där det hävdades att de båda suttit ner och diskuterat sina meningsskiljaktigheter efter den presumtiva dissen på Coles “1985” och efterföljande reaktioner från fans i båda läger.

När de båda rapparna träffades på Rolling Loud i Miami nyligen, slöt man fred och höll kontakten vilket nu resulterat i att de under helgen satte sig ner för en gemensam intervju där de båda ger sin syn på varandras musik och den klyfta som finns inom hiphopkulturen mellan olika generationer. Lil Pump berättar om sin reaktion efter att “1985” släpptes:

“I was sitting in a room one day and I seen that shit in my comments like, ‘Fuck J. Cole, fuck J. Cole.’ Now I kinda get it. You make a different type of music, so people feel some type of way like, ‘Fuck this, fuck that.’ I started doing it, so people were like fuck it.

“Now everybody’s saying fuck Russ. People just like doing that shit. It wasn’t even serious. I fuck with your shit. Your shit is hard, bro.”

J. Cole tackade Pump för komplimangen och förklarade vad som låg bakom beslutet att släppa låten:

“It was like two years ago, I seen one of the [XXL] freshman freestyles and I was like sad. I was like, ‘Damn this shit really over.’ I know now that I was wrong. All I was doing was being afraid that the thing I fell in love with was no longer relevant or respected. In that moment, it brought fear. Now in time, I realized like, ‘Nah that’s not true.’ This shit is just taking another course. It’s just another branch in the tree. These kids are starting something new. They doing they own thing. They doing what they want to do and having fun with what they want to do. Hip Hop was started like that.”

Cole förklarar att när han väl suttit med musiken har han fått en större förståelse för Pump och andra nya rappare.

“I’m playing your little EP, like, ‘Damn, this shit hard. The songs are short and this nigga got funny ass lines.’ I’m laughing in the car like, ‘Yo this dude is funny.’ It ain’t nothing like I grew up on or even what I make or what I prefer, but it’s like what am I gonna do? Be scared of this? Deny this? Deny you expressing yourself however you want to do that? Over time, I’m like, ‘I’m tripping’ and resisting this shit when really I should be accepting this shit.’”

När konversationen når sitt slut kommer Cole till slutsatsen att det enda sättet att gå vidare är att acceptera och omfamna hiphopens utveckling.

“I did the ‘1985’ shit maybe like a year or so ago. That’s when I didn’t understand what was going on all the way. 
Real way is to embrace you and show love. When we talked on the phone and I met you in person, in that moment I’m like, ‘I love this little dude.’”

Se hela konversationen mellan J. Cole och Lil Pump nedan.