Efter ”Straight Outta Compton” som blev en publiksuccé verkar det som att filmproducenterna har fått upp ögonen för potentialen i att göra rappares liv till film. Inte minst märks det på att filmen ”All eyes on me” om Tupacs liv, kommer ut redan i år. Nu verkar det även som att filmen om Ol’ Dirty Bastard kan bli av. RZA hintade i en intervju för Rolling Stone att filmen nu är på gång.

“I think it’s a great idea, and there has been talk about it. There are a few wheels in motion with one done by our first cousin Rayshawn; he was the young guy there watching everything that happened. Him and ODB’s wife have been talking and he has a pretty interesting script. I just saw a 12-minute teaser that he shot about a year ago and it felt pretty fucking cool. I watched it and was like, ‘Wow, you may have something here.’ He has the best thing that I’ve seen so far.”

På frågan om han kan tänka sig att regissera svarar han:

“There are very few people who know the real him as much as me. So it would be something that I would be honored to do, but there’s a lot of moving parts to it. If those moving parts don’t go in sync with me, I’ll still be on it just to see it happen, talk to whoever’s doing it and give them my interviews or whatever they need to help make this story as great as possible.”

Filmen var tänkt att bli av redan 2012, då med Michael K. Willams som Ol’ Dirty Bastard. Produktionen blev dock aldrig av.

Något preliminärt datum för inspelning eller premiär finns ej i dagsläget.

// Markus Helin
