Efter det mäktiga halvtidssuppträdandet under Super Bowl i början av veckan, har Rihanna återigen hintat om att nytt album kan vara på gång. I en nypublicerad intervju med magasinet British Vogue säger hon att ett nytt album bör komma under 2023:

“I want it to be this year. Like, honestly, it’d be ridiculous if it’s not this year. But I just want to have fun. I just want to make music and make videos.”

Inför Super Bowl berättade hon även om sin musikaliska ambition på en presskonferens med Apple Music:

“Musically, I’m feeling open. I’m feeling open to exploring, discovering, creating, things that are new, things that are different, things that are off, weird, might not ever make sense to my fans, you know, the people that know the music that I put out. I just want to play. I want to have fun. I want to have fun with music.”

Rihanna delade också med sig av tankar kring familjelivet med A$AP Rocky och deras gemensamma son. Familjen väntar även tillökning mot slutet av året, något som bekräftades under Super Bowl-framträdandet. I intervjun säger hon vidare om föräldraskapet med Harlem-rapparen Rakim Mayers:

“We’re best friends with a baby. We have to be on the same page, but we’ve always kind of had that in our relationship. Everything changes when you have a baby but I wouldn’t say it’s done anything but made us closer.”

Hon betonar vidare att mammarollen är det bästa som hänt henne och säger vidare:

“Oh my God, it’s legendary. It’s everything. You really don’t remember life before, that’s the craziest thing ever. You literally try to remember it – and there are photos of my life before – but the feeling, the desires, the things that you enjoy, everything, you just don’t identify with it because you don’t even allow yourself mentally to get that far because … because it doesn’t matter.”

Foto: Roc Nation
