Historien om Wu-Tang Clan är sannerligen fascinerande och består av flera sammanlänkade livsöden, vilket resulterat i en av musikhistoriens mest omskrivna hiphop-grupper. Raekwon var instrumentell i framgången för klanens debutalbum “Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)” från 1993, som följdes upp av hans hyllade debutalbum “Only Built 4 Cuban Linx” 1995.
I höst kommer således Raekwon, en av gruppens mest profilerade medlemmar, ge ut boken “From Staircase To Stage”. Boken är skriven med Anthony Bozza och handlingen i boken beskrivs som följer:
“Raekwon tells his full story, from struggling through poverty to make ends meet to turning a hobby into a legacy. The Wu-Tang story is dense, complex, and full of drama, and here nothing is off limits: the group’s underground origins, secrets behind songs like “C.R.E.A.M.” and “Protect Ya Neck,” and what it took to be one of the first hip-hop groups to break into the mainstream. Raekwon also dives deep into the making of his meticulous solo albums—particularly the classic Only Built 4 Cuban Linx—and talks about how spirituality and fatherhood continue to inspire his unstoppable creative process.”
Raekwons bok “From Staircase To Stage” släpps 9 november 2021.
Foto: LRG / Gallery Books