Outlawz-rapparen Napoleon har inte varit aktiv på musikscenen under många år, utan har numera konverterat till islam och är aktiv föreläsare på skolor och arbetsplatser under namnet Mutah Beale. I en nypublicerad intervju via The Art of Dialogue berättar han om tiden efter Tupac Shakurs död, och i synnerhet om The Notorious BIG:s beslut att resa till Los Angeles så kort efter Pacs död. Han menar att det var ett dumdristigt beslut som kan ha kostat Biggie livet. Han citeras av HHDX:
“I think that was a very miscalculated step on his part, you know what I mean? I think he underestimated the people’s love for ‘Pac. And I think it was a little arrogant, to be honest. Of course, we don’t wish death on nobody. And I’m not saying that this is what he gets. These not the words I’m saying but, I heard the radio!”
“I remember listening to the radio station and the phone calls that was coming in, the threats! Like people was threatening him. I think they asked him, ‘How you feel about Pac?’ and it was almost from an arrogant standpoint of view where he was like, ‘You know I got my own problems, I’m not worried abut dude’ or something like that, and the people took it as a form of disrespect. So I think for him, it was a little arrogant and it was disrespectful. No doubt it was disrespectful.”
Sedan i våras finns även Netflix-serien “Unsolved” på Netflix, där både Tupac och Biggies öde avhandlas, baserat på utredningsmaterial och teorier av forna poliserna Russell Poole och Greg Kading.
Foto: Chi Modu