Se och läs hyllningar av familj, Lauren London, Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar och Barack Obama.
Under torsdagskvällen hölls den gigantiska minnesstunden “A Celebration Of Life” i Staples Center, Los Angeles. Väl där hyllades Nipsey Hussle av mängder av kollegor som Jay-Z och Kendrick Lamar till familjemedlemmar i form av brev, berättelser, klipp och tal.
Under kvällen gick bland annat Nipsey mamma Angelique Smith och pappan Dawit Asghedeom upp på scenen tillsammans, där den förstnämnda delade med sig av några av deras sista sms-meddelanden. Hon förklarade att han aldrig var särskilt bra på att svara i telefon men att han tiden innan sin död började skicka sporadiska meddelanden för att visa kärlek. “I feel spiritually in my soul as if Ermias was going to leave. I’m very proud of my son”, tillade hon.
Nipsey Hussle’s mom sounds like Nipsey was forecasting his own death ? but he would ALWAYS tell her he’s A1 ?
— VERSACEBOYENT (@VersaceBoyEnt2) 11 april 2019
Ett annat starkt moment var när Lauren Londons son Cameron Carter äntrade scenen med sin familj och berättade modigt om en dröm han nyligen haft om Nipsey.
“On the night of April 2nd, I had a dream I was in a paradise. I was in paradise and I was playing in the ocean water when Ermias popped up right behind me. He said ‘Waddup killa,’ cause that’s my nickname to him. I turned around and I yelled his name and I gave him a hug. Shortly, he was gone but it was still cool, I guess. I told my mom about the dream and after I told her, I was thinking about it and I realized that Ermias told me what heaven was like. He told me it was paradise.”
Lauren London’s son, Cameron, asks everyone to pay their respects as he recalls a recent dream at the #CelebrationOfNipseyHussle:
“In the morning Ermias would say ‘respect’ at my window – so on the count of three I want everyone to yell ‘RESPECT!’”
— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) 11 april 2019
Nipseys flickvän Lauren London öppnade sitt tal med att läsa upp ett meddelande hon skickat till honom och som känslosamt förklarade hur stark deras kärlek var. “Ermias was asleep one time, and I was watching him, because I used to love watching him sleep. I wrote him a text when he was sleeping, so when he woke up he could read it. I’m going to share with you that text”, delgav hon innan hon läste upp meddelandet.
“Ermias, I want you to know that I feel real joy in my heart when I’m around you. I feel safe around you. Protected. Like a shield over me when you’re around. I’m totally myself when I’m with you, which is probably annoying cause I don’t wear my cool mask anymore,” she continues, her voice thick with emotion. “You’ve made me into more of a woman. You’ve given me an opportunity to really love a man. You’ve been with me while I’ve been sick. Through my fears. U have encouraged me, and inspired me to reach higher. I’ve learned so much more about myself with you.”
Hon avslutade med att nämna deras gemensamma son medan hon höll tillbaka tårarna.
"And until we meet again…THE MARATHON CONTINUES" ?
Lauren London remembers her soulmate Nipsey Hussle ??#CelebrationOfNipseyHussle
— Complex Music (@ComplexMusic) 11 april 2019
Många andra framstående personer bidrog också med hyllningstexter i programbladet för eventet, däribland Barack Obama och Kendrick Lamar. Den senare delade med sig av en känslosam historia om när han först träffade Nipsey 2009. Läs texten nedan:
“In 2009, I remember trekking cities alongside Nipsey and family. Both performing as opening acts on The Game LAX Tour. Our sprinter van trailed their mobile home from state to state.
Though I was a there as support for my brother Jay Rock, Nipsey greeted me as one of his own. And that was very commendable. Casually I would go out to the crowd and listen to the substance he spewed on stage. Thinking to myself, this is the type of talent I want to be apart of. His charisma and way with words was powerful. But his integrity as a person, made me even more enthused.
I watched a young, ambitious black male orchestrate fellowship amongst the men around him on that tour. Determined to execute one thing — and that was Greatness. Greatness in knowledge, greatness in wealth, and greatness in self. My curiosity about who he really was started to grow from that moment in time. Was he a product if Crenshaw and Slauson? Was he a radical? Or was he a thinker? That mystique kept me engaged throughout his life career. The years progressed, and my admiration grew from up close and from afar. Watching his interviews, his philosophies, and his work amongst the black community.
Time surely revealed itself. I realized Nipsey was all of those perspectives. But most importantly, he was a vessel from God. As my heart aches for him and his family. I understand that the Most High doesn’t make mistakes. I pray that Ermias Foundation continues to blossom. I pray for those who trespass against it.
A true King will be tested in adversity. To stand in fearlessness in what he believes will impact on earth, as well as in heaven. So thank you Nipsey The Radical. Nipsey The Husband. Nipsey The Friend. Nipsey The Great. And from now on, Nipsey The Messenger…… Shalom.”
Två andra som intog scenen för att säga några ord var YG och DJ Mustard där den förstnämnda bland annat sa:
“That’s my brother from another color you know what I’m saying. He was like a real big brother to me. Everytime I’m with Nipsey, we ain’t talking about nothing that don’t mean nothing. We talking about family, homies goals, plays we were trying to make. We got some light-skinned pretty girls we trying to raise, we in trouble n***a!”
. @yg congratulates @NipseyHussle on a historical career. #NipseyHusslememorial
— LiveXLive (@livexlive) 11 april 2019
Under evenemangs gång verkade det mesta hålla sig fredligt och lugnt, men senare på kvällen rapporterade polischef Michel Moore via Twitter att en skottlossning utbrutit i korsningen 103rd Street och Main Street. Fyra personer ska ha blivit skadade och en avlidit.
In the midst of this procession we have a multi-4 Shooting at 103 St and Main St.
Victims are 3 Male Blacks and 1 Female Black – ages from 30-50 years old. Tragically one is deceased.
Suspects in gray Hyundai fired on the victims.
We must stop this senseless violence.
— Chief Michel Moore (@LAPDChiefMoore) 12 april 2019
Se fler tal och hyllningar av bl.a. Barack Obama, Snoop Dogg och Louis Farrakhan samt Lauren Londons Nipsey-tatuering och processionen genom LA nedan.
Fans placed flowers on top of the hearse carrying Nipsey Hussle's casket as the 25-mile funeral procession for the slain rapper made its way through the streets of Los Angeles.
— ABC News (@ABC) April 12, 2019