"I want to express my gratitude to all of my supporters, especially JAY-Z..."
Meek Mills kontroversiella och flera år utdragna fall i hemstaden i Philadelphia har till slut lagts ned. Enligt The Philadelphia Inquirer har rapparen och åklagare nått ett avtal i fallet från 2007, där han erkänner sig skyldig till ett mindre vapenbrott. Alla andra anklagelser läggs ned.
#Breaking: Rapper @MeekMill pleads guilty to gun charge from his 2007 arrest. Prosecutors drop all other charges and won't retry him, ending his 12-year legal saga. #MeekMill https://t.co/0EIi2udlnN pic.twitter.com/ixw8XdOFqi
— NBC10 Philadelphia (@NBCPhiladelphia) August 27, 2019
I ett uttalande uttrycker Meek sin tacksamhet över att fallet är avklarat och att han ser fram emot framtida reformer i det rättsliga systemet, som hans egna fall har hjälpt till att ändra konversationen kring.
“I’m extremely grateful that my long legal battle is finally behind me and I appreciate that it has sparked a much-needed discussion about probation reform and the inequalities that exist within our two Americas. I have always told the truth—that as a teenager, who saw many around me die from senseless gun violence, I carried a gun for protection. I take responsibility for that and—in conjunction with my work on the REFORM Alliance—I’ll continue to use my platform to make communities safer and reform our criminal justice system.”
Meek passade också på att tacka Jay-Z och flera andra som hjälpt honom på vägen.
“I want to express my gratitude to all of my supporters, especially JAY-Z, Desiree Perez, Michael Rubin, my legal team, and everyone else who stood by me throughout the years. It’s important that we now channel our energy into helping the millions that are unjustly trapped in our criminal justice system.”
My guy @MeekMill is finally free!!!! Looking forward to @REFORM making significant changes to improve our criminal justice system, while keeping communities safe! https://t.co/kCNwzv9FdR
— Michael Rubin (@MichaelGRubin) August 27, 2019
Tidigare denna månad släpptes dokumentären “Free Meek”, som producerats av Roc Nation och går att se via Amazon Prime.
Foto: Meek Mill/@meekmill & Kevin Mazur/@kevinmazur