Machine Gun Kelly, eller mgk som han numera kallar sig, öppnade upp rejält i ett nytt avsnitt av Gillie Da Kid och Wallos “Million Dollaz Worth of Game”-show nyligen. I det berättar han bland annat om konversationen med sin tonårsdotter som fick honom att sluta med droger och alkohol.

“It started with my daughter saying, ‘Dad, you know I can tell when you’re high?’ It broke my heart. It was like… the ultimate letdown”, säger han och berättar att hans dotter vid detta tillfälle vad 11-12 år.

“It took me a while afterwards because obviously, you know, drugs have a vice grip on you. Also, I grew up in a house where being somebody else was beaten into me […] because you aren’t who your father wants you to be, and really that’s a reflection of him not being who he wanted to be.”

Han tillade sedan:

“That was step one for me. As a father and as a man, to be the father I wish my dad would have been, I have to break this generational curse for my kid.”

Tidigare denna månad gick MGK ut med att han la in sig på rehab förra året och sedan dess klarat ett år som nykter.

“I’m completely sober from everything. I don’t drink anymore. I haven’t drank since last August”, berättade han Bunnie XO:s podcast “Dumb Blonde”.

 “I didn’t tell anybody outside of the [people] closest to me. That was my first time I ever went to rehab. I’m really happy when I’m clear and me and my daughter are having our conversations and I’m coming from a place of being centered and holding space for what a child needs from their parent. Both of my feet are on the ground and I’m unstoppable. I’m just happy that I’m able to start to be comfortable enough to show people who I am because I kind of depended on my art to do that.”

Se hela avsnittet av “Million Dollaz Worth of Game” nedan, där han även lägger en imponerande freestyle i början av videon.

Foto: YouTube/Pressbild
