Lil Peeps mamma, Liza Womack, har stämt nöjesföretaget First Access Entertainment. Enligt TMZ lämnade hon i måndags in en stämningsansökan där hon argumenterar för att användandet av droger “tilläts, normaliserades och till och med uppmuntrades” av deras management. Stämningen gör också referenser till specifika händelser under Peeps sista turné, där några även återfinns i den kommande dokumentären “Everybody’s Everything”. Bland annat ska rapparen i princip ha varit inkapabel att kommunicera men trots detta ska First Access-personal tillåtit honom att uppträda.

Nu ska företaget ha svarat genom ett uttalande där man säger:

“Lil Peep’s death from an accidental drug overdose was a terrible tragedy. However, the claim that First Access Entertainment, any of its employees, or Chase Ortega, or anyone else under our auspices was somehow responsible for, complicit in, or contributed to his death is categorically untrue. In fact, we consistently encouraged Peep to stop abusing drugs and to distance himself from the negative influence of the drug users and enablers with whom he chose to associate.

It is extremely disappointing that Peep’s mother would file this meritless lawsuit, since she is well aware of the numerous efforts made by First Access and Chase Ortega to steer her son away from his concerning lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, in spite of our best efforts, he was an adult who made his own decisions and opted to follow a different, more destructive path.

After comprehensively reviewing the facts, the Medical Examiner ruled that Peep’s death was accidental; likewise, the Tucson Police Department conducted a thorough investigation and concluded that his death was the result of an accidental overdose.

While First Access is deeply saddened by Lil Peep’s untimely death, we will not hesitate to defend ourselves against this groundless and offensive lawsuit. We look forward to its swift dismissal.”

Det återstår att se vad som händer kring stämningen, men räkna med att få mer inblick i den kommande dokumentären som väntas släppas i USA den 12:e november och senare internationellt.
