Det är drygt en månad kvar till världspremiären av den biografiska Tupac Shakur-filmen “All Eyez On Me”, med Demetrius Shipp Jr i huvudrollen. Nu kommer uppgfter att den Oscarsbelönade regissören Steve McQueen fått i uppdrag att skapa en dokumentär om Tupac Shakur – med tillåtelse från Shakur Estate-ansvarige Tom Whalley och Amaru Entertainment. McQueen som bland annat regisserat hyllade filmen “12 Years A Slave” får assistans av producenter som Jayson jackson (“What Happened, Miss Simone?”) med flera. I ett uttalande säger regissören:
“I am extremely moved and excited to be exploring the life and times of this legendary artist. I attended NYU film school in 1993 and can remember the unfolding hip-hop world and mine overlapping with Tupac’s through a mutual friend in a small way. Few, if any shined brighter than Tupac Shakur. I look forward to working closely with his family to tell the unvarnished story of this talented man.”
Dokumentärprojektet kommer att fortskrida under överinseende av Gloria Cox, Afeni Shakurs enda syster. Hon säger vidare:
“I am happy to see this project come to life. This was something that my nephew (Tupac) was very passionate about creating in 1996, and my sister since before her passing this last May. It has been a long journey to get here.”
“I feel like we have a team Afeni would be very pleased with. It has never been our intention to rewrite the story of Tupac. Our goal has always been to tell the true story, which has never been done before in such a complete way. My sister always said to me, ‘We are not in the business of defending Tupac. Our job is to allow him to be seen in the most complete way, so his actions, his choices, and his words will allow him to speak for himself.’ I believe this film will do exactly that.”
Varken titel eller premiärdatum är bekräftat men eftersom projektet är i startgroparna lär det dröja till åtminstone 2018 eller 2019.
Se mer info om “All Eyez On Me” via