"I really idolized you."
Innan Joyner Lucas och Logic chockade sina fans genom att samarbeta på låten “ISIS”, hade de två som bekant en beef. Om än en mindre allvarlig sådan. Den verkar dock ha betytt en del för Joyner Lucas, som nu känner sig manad att erkänna sin skuld i dispyten. I en ny intervju med The Breakfast Club talar han ut som sin avundsjuka mot Logic.
“Honestly, it was very strange. It really was. I think I was jealous of him. But I think — the reason why I say that is because I felt like where he was at at that time was where I wanted to be so much. Like damn, I wish I was here, you know what I mean? It took, bro — I had called that man because I had an epiphany, right? I had got to a certain place in which people started expecting things of me and people started just, expecting that I just do sh*t. People I didn’t really know like that. And I lost a lot of people and it clicked”, säger han bland annat och tillägger senare:
“I told him, straight up, I felt like at that time I was jealousy. You was doing everything I wanted to do. You’re dope. You’re lyrical. You was ripping down tours and you had all these relationships with artists that I loved and respected. I really idolized you and I didn’t even realize how much I did.”
Enlig egen utsago ska Logic ha blivit känslosam av ursäkten på grund av hans ärlighet. Se intervjun nedan och återupplev samarbetet “ISIS” som återfinns på Lucas debutalbum “ADHD” som till slut släpptes tidigare i år.
Foto: YouTube