Efter det mycket uppmärksammade uppbrottet från Complex-programmet “Everyday Struggle” annonserade Joe Budden vid årsskiftet att han ingått ett avtal med Diddys Revolt TV för en ny serie. Nu vet vi äntligen lite mer om vad vi kan vänta oss. Sent i tisdags annonserade den pensionerade rapparen premiärdatumet för serien “State Of The Culture” genom att dela ett långt klipp där han adresserar dagens hiphop genom att hålla ett presidentliknande tal. Budden avslöjar inte direkt det officiella premiärdatumet, men i videons beskrivning framgår datumet 10:e september, med en exklusiv tv-special planerad till dagen efter, den 11:e september. I beskrivningen går att läsa:
“State of the Culture will feature raw, unfiltered, and informative debates and interviews where Joe Budden digs deep with prominent celebrities, artists, and personalities.”
Senare på onsdagen avslöjade Budden även ett exklusivt avtal med Spotify för sin podcast, “The Joe Budden Podcast”, med premiärdatum 12:e september.
“Our partnership is extremely humbling for me and adds yet another chapter to a career full of plot twists. This highlights a new way of thinking & a corporate “head nod” to the shift taking place before our very eyes. I’m even more thrilled to embark on this journey with some of my closest friends & ppl i love. The podcast has been a great amplifier for my voice but fast growing into a platform for more & more artists to share their own personal feelings/stories/experiences. I’m anxious to get started & optimistic about what’s to come. While companies are spending endless amounts of dollars and research to find out what consumers want, how they want it & who they want it from, we’re in an space where all you have to do is listen to the ppl. Again, thank you Spotify for listening.”
Se även vidare info om Revolt-programmet “State Of The Culture”:
“My fellow Americans. My fellow citizens. We are gathered here today for the state of the culture. A culture I love. A culture I respect. A culture that defines us. In this digital age there’s an endless need of information. It is more important now than ever before. With more information comes more understanding, more acceptance, more unification. Information is the key to unlocking our differences. We are here to bridge the gap from the streets to the board rooms, between trap house & penthouse. From the young lil’s to the older OG’s. Hip-hop is the commonality. It is the language we use to speak one another, and thats why I come forth today to decode the culture.”