Den gångna veckan har Drake spelat inför utsålda hus under en hel vecka (sju spelningar) på O2 Arena i London. För den avslutande “Assassination Vacation”-spelningen bjöd Drizzy in J. Cole som uppträdde med sin hitlåt “Middle Child”. De båda artisterna, som byggt sina respektive karriärer under samma tidsperiod, hyllade varandra unisont. Drake blev känslosam när Cole gav Drake kärlek för spelningen:
“Listen, I’m gonna tell you one thing about me and this guy right here. When I think of all my earliest memories when we were doing this shit… this is just for anybody… that has a dream, that has a vision. When I think of all my earliest memories there was always one guy that was always right there doing the same thing as me. Taking care of his people, showin’ love, and it’s this man right here. He hasn’t changed since the first day I met him.”
Drake passade även på att utlova ny musik med J. Cole:
“I can’t wait to make some new music with you. I know we been working. I can’t wait to let these people hear it.”