Efter releasen av Lyrical Lemonade-låten “Doomsday Pt.2”, och Detroit Lions framgångar i NFL-slutspelet, medverkade Eminem på DJ Whookids podcast i helgen. Under samtalet frågade Whookid om Slim Shady arbetar på något i musikväg just nu, varpå Eminem svarade skämtsamt citerad av Complex:
“Absolutely nothing. Nah man, I’m working on little something.”
På följdfrågan om Eminem möjligtvis samarbetar med 50 Cent på något kommande projekt svarade han kryptiskt:
“Where that come from? I don’t know whose idea that was but that’s crazy.”
Eminem fortsatte och sa vidare:
“Yo, I’m trying to get him to make another album so bad. We need another 50 album, like, really bad bro. 50’s on a roll right now. He’s been on a roll since the tour and I told him he needs a fucking—whatever he needs from me, I’m here. That shitt would be crazy though, an album with me and him.”
50 Cent har tidigare manifesterat sin goda vänskap med Eminem, senast i en intervju med XXL Magazine från i somras:
“I love him to death. That’s my boy. I care what happens. Em, Dre, Jimmy [Iovine], and Paul Rosenberg came to London, they came for my birthday to hang out Em is like… I don’t know, I put him next to my grandmother. I tell you why. Because there was never a point when I had confusion going on he wasn’t participating in it. Never. There was always a place where I could go and communicate or just talk to him and know that he has my best interest in heart. I think we give a title “friend” way too easy.”
Det är dock högst oklart om något samarbete mellan 50 Cent och Eminem kan komma att realiseras framöver. Tills dess får vi hålla till godo med 50 Cent-låten “Patiently Waiting”, med gästande Eminem, från klassikeralbumet “Get Rich Or Die Tryin'”. Lyssna nedan!
Foto: Jeremy Deputat