Uppträdde även med LeBron James i Staples Center under helgen. Se klipp här!
Som bekant har programmet “The Shop” haft premiär på HBO Nordic, där LeBron James och Maverick Carter bjuder in olika gäster för att prata om en rad olika ämnen i en avslappnad, autentisk miljö. I första avsnittet gästade namn som Jon Stewart, Snoop Dogg och Vince Staples, men det är det andra avsnittet som fått rejäl spridning efter att självaste Drake gästat.
Väl där höll “the 6 God” inget tillbaka när han gav en mycket intressant och öppenhjärtig inblick i hans relation till Kanye West och händelseförloppet mellan släppen av de bådas album och Pusha Ts diss fram tills nu. Drake hävdar bland annat att de båda jobbade i studion innan deras respektive album, “Scorpion” och “Ye”, släpptes. Kanye ska bland annat ha lovat Drake beatet till “Lift Yourself” och sedan gick det utför.
“He played me ‘Lift Yourself’ and he was like, ‘Yo, you can have this if you want.’ And I was hype. I started writing to it. And then he was like, ‘Yo, you gotta come to Wyoming.’ So Wyoming happened. And then (producer Noah “40” Shebib) went to Wyoming early, and he was like, ‘Man, I’m here a day early, man. Something’s off.’ He’s like, ‘This guy is working on an album.’ And I was like, ‘For real? He just told me he wanted to work on, like he just told me he wanted to give me beats.'”
“And he said he wasn’t dropping until like October, November, something like that. And I’m like, ‘It’s all good, let’s just go, and let’s just see what it’s about.’ So I went and ended up pretty much spending the majority of my time working on his music, just trying to like cook up ideas for him.”
I Wyoming spelade Drake även upp albumspåret “March 14” för Kanye och visade en bild på hans då hemliga son.
“I’m in Wyoming, I play him ‘March 14’. I send him a picture of my son. I tell him I’m having trouble with my son’s mother. We had a conversation.”
“I wake up, and all these dates are out. Then the next two days, whatever, I wake up now to this text from him, passive like, ‘Yo, I love you brother. ‘Lift Yourself’ comes out with him just talking nonsense. Oh this guy’s trolling me. This was like a manipulative, like, ‘I wanna break you’ thing. So I said alright. I’m gonna go back to distancing myself again. I know what this is. Then, the first album drops. And of course there’s a diss song toward me that you produced, that’s talking about writing? I was just there with you as friends helping you, and now you’re dissing me. So I’m like, man, this is dark.”
Som vi vet startades i denna veva beefen med Pusha T och raderna kring hans son på låten “The Story of Adidon” och även rader mellan Drake och Kanye började dyka upp. Drake säger i avsnittet:
“People love to say, like rap purists and people who just love confrontation, they love to say, ‘Aye there’s no rules in this shit.’ But there are fucking rules in this shit,” he said. “And I’m gonna tell you something: It’s like, I knew something was gonna come up about my kid. They had to add the deadbeat thing to make it more appealing, which is fine. I understand that. Even that, I was like, OK. The mom and dad thing, whatever. You don’t even know my family. But I’mma tell you, wishing death on my friend that has MS… I study rap battles for a living. Now when you mention defenseless people who are sick in the hospital, that passed away, that really sent me to a place where I just believed then, and believe now, that there’s just a price that you have to pay for that. It’s over. You’re gonna get… someone’s gonna fucking punch you in the fucking face. The shit’s done, the event’s over. I wanted to do other things. I didn’t wanna further your reputation or your career by rapping back at you and having this exchange. And that was it for me.”
Se hela avsnittet via YouTube nedan, vilket börjar finnas tillgängligt på HBO Nordic inom kort.
Under helgen uppträdde Drake även i Staples Center i L.A, där han tog upp just LeBron James på scen tillsammans med Travis Scott för låten “Sicko Mode”.