"For kids who want to go out and start their own company..."
N.W.A-legendaren Dr. Dre har på senare år blivit en entreprenör av rang, med lanseringen av Beats By Dre och andra projekt under 2010-talet, i samarbete med Jimmy Iovine. Nu är de båda i färd med att öppna en skola i hemstaden Los Angeles. LA Times skriver att det inte handlar om en musikskola, utan det ska istället vara fokus på att ungdomar ska kunna förverkliga drömmar en karriärsbana inom entreprenörskap och kreativa yrken. Dre berättar för tidningen:
“This is for kids who want to go out and start their own company or go work at a place like Marvel, or Apple or companies like that. This is nowhere near a music school.”, säger Jimmy Iovine.
“Here’s a place that you can go where there’s something that you can learn that you’re really interested in. That guy that didn’t have an opportunity, that had to scratch and figure out things on his own,” “That had the curiosity but didn’t have these type of opportunities, really smart kids — we want to touch and give them this open door and these opportunities to be able to show what they can do.”
Dr. Dre passade även på att uppdatera om sin hälsa, efter att ha drabbats av blodpropp i hjärnan i början av 2021:
“I’ve always been a person that has always taken care of my health. But there’s something that happens for some reason with Black men and high blood pressure, and I never saw that coming. But I’m taking care of myself. And I think every Black man should just check that out and make sure things are OK with the blood pressure.”
Den planerade skolan benämns i dagsläget som Regional High School No. 1, och ska vara belägen på Audubon Middle School vid stadsdelen Leimert Park i södra Los Angeles. Skolan väntas öppna hösten 2022 efter godkännande från L.A. Board of Education.
Foto: HBO / Defiant Ones