“Everything from my first freestyle at 9 years old to events that could’ve ended my career.”
Black Thought, enligt många en av de bästa att plocka upp en mikrofon, släpper nu sin memoar “7 Years” som ljudbok. Sent igår avslöjade rapparen projektet, som släpps som ett Audible-original.
“Something new that I’m excited to share…wrote about my life story and the challenges that shaped me in my new @audible_com Original 7 Years. Everything from my first freestyle at 9 years old to events that could’ve ended my career.”
Enligt beskrivningen innehåller berättelsen även en “personal music score”, blanda annat innehållandes musik av hans grupp The Roots.
I memoaren lär Tariq Trotter, som Thought egentligen heter, berätta om de flera tragedier han fick uppleva som barn. Något han varit väldigt förtegen kring, men som han öppnade upp om i en intervju med HipHopDX förra året. Bland annat mördades hans pappa när Tariq endast var ett år gammal. Han blev för första gången arresterad vid 12 års ålder och började sälja crack för att försörja sig, varpå hans farbröder skickade honom till Detroit. När han återvände till Philly hade hans mamma blivit missbrukare själv och kort efter knivhöggs honom till döds av en 22-årig man.
“It’s something I definitely carry with me and yet not very many people know how hard it was for me or whatever. I guess I’ve chosen not to wear it on my sleeve, so to speak. You often hear people say their history doesn’t define them, right? I’ve quite honestly chosen to live as more of a vision of the possibilities of the future than as one of a memory of the past”, sa han då.
“But in this new material, in recent years, it’s not like I’ve run out of things to say, but I feel like I’ve been a voice for the voiceless and sort of spoken for the people and for Philadelphia, and just from that perspective for quite some time. There are people who have been supporting me throughout my career, who still talk as though they didn’t know me. And some folks have made mention of, ‘Yeah. I feel like for as much as I know the Roots’ extensive catalog, I still feel like I don’t know you as a person.’”
Lyssna på Black Thoughts memoar via Audibles app.
Something new that I’m excited to share…wrote about my life story and the challenges that shaped me in my new @audible_com Original, 7 Years.
Everything from my first freestyle at 9 years old to events that could’ve ended my career — Listen here https://t.co/fTYUnKmROO pic.twitter.com/qCedHkT1RB
— Black Thought (@blackthought) July 8, 2021
Foto: Audible