Relationen mellan syskonen Solange och Beyonce Knowles har ofta varit föremål för både spekulation och skvaller under årens lopp, i synnerhet kopplat till den omtalade hiss-dispyten med Jay Z några år tillbaka i tiden.

I en nypublicerad intervju för Interview Magazine får vi nu ta del av ett intimt och djupgående samtal mellan med Solange och Beyoncé. Läs utdrag nedan från intervjun där syskonen talar om bland annat låtskrivande, familjeförhållanden och det hyllade albumet “A Seat At The Table”.


BEYONCÉ: What does the song title “Cranes in the Sky” mean?

SOLANGE: “Cranes in the Sky” is actually a song that I wrote eight years ago. It’s the only song on the album that I wrote independently of the record, and it was a really rough time. I know you remember that time. I was just coming out of my relationship with Julez’s father. We were junior high school sweethearts, and so much of your identity in junior high is built on who you’re with. You see the world through the lens of how you identify and have been identified at that time. So I really had to take a look at myself, outside of being a mother and a wife, and internalize all of these emotions that I had been feeling through that transition. I was working through a lot of challenges at every angle of my life, and a lot of self-doubt, a lot of pity-partying. And I think every woman in her twenties has been there—where it feels like no matter what you are doing to fight through the thing that is holding you back, nothing can fill that void.

Foto: Mikael Jansson