Efter att Pop Smoke mördades i februari 2020 erbjöd 50 Cent att hjälpa rapparens manager Steven Victor, med att färdigställa det kommande albumet. “Shoot For The Stars, Aim For The Moon” kom efter releasen i juli 2020 att bli en monumental succé med otaliga streamingrekord och topplisteplatser säkrade under fjolåret och början av 2021.
I början av maj meddelade producenten Rico Beats att ytterligare ett Pop Smoke-album färdigställs. Han skrev då:
“I see and hear everything kept it cool tho no worries pay back around the corner Popsmoke new album loading….???”
I helgen lät 50 Cent meddela att han troligen inte bidrar till det kommande projektet. I en intervju med Kris Kaylin säger Curtis Jackson, citerad av HiphopDX:
“Steven was originally Pop’s manager and the label person he was signed to. He spoke to me about the new record. I’m not sure if I’ll participate with that record. I just wanted to make sure that his record did what it was supposed to.”
“My interaction with Pop was that he was looking at me like I could tell him the right way to go and everything would work based on what I was saying. It’s unfortunate that it actually happened. It’s like the other side of it — when I’m coming up early on, I’m so connected to the environment that everything in the environment I’m subjected to the same.”
I dagsläget finns inga fler detaljer om ytterligare ett postumt albumprojekt av Pop Smoke. Tills dess, håll till godo med “Shoot For The Stars, Aim For The Moon” i deluxe-version nedan.