I samband med nya singeln "Last Time I Saw You".
I fredags släppte Nicki Minaj sin nya singel “Last Time I Saw You”, efter att tidsenligt haft exklusiv premiär via TikTok. I samband med släppet tog hon en pratstund med Zane Lowe på Apple Music för att prata om det efterlängtade albumet “Pink Friday 2”, men också en hel del annat.
I intervjun avslöjar Nicki bland annat att hon kommer att gästa på Drakes kommande album “For All The Dogs”, medan hon tycks invänta en gästvers för “Pink Friday 2” i utbyte.
“Zane, I meant to tell you, you mentioned Drake. You know I have a song on Drake’s album as well coming out soon too. So it was funny that you mentioned him. I love the song so much. I’ll just say I really love the song. I know my fans are going to love the song. I know the world’s going to love the song. And that’s all I will say about that”, säger hon och lägger till:
“But, no, Zane, Barbz, make sure y’all let Drizzy Drake know that Pink Friday 2 is coming out November 17th as well. And we are waiting on his contribution.”
Vidare i intervjun pratar hon om hur att bli mamma samtidigt som hennes pappa gått bort, påverkat henne. Något som kommer att höras i den nya musiken.
“I haven’t spoken to anybody about this particular part outside of super really close friends, I guess. But I had just had my first child. The last thing I thought I was going to have to do when I just gave birth to my first child was to start preparing for my father’s funeral. If there were a billion quadrillion things that I could have thought would’ve been happening in my life, if somebody gave me a billion options to choose, that would not have been the option that I thought I would’ve been experiencing. And I’ll get into certain things even more, but I won’t do that right, right now. But yes, you are the first person that mentioned that, and it’s very true.”
Hon passar också återigen på att visa uppskattning för sina fans, som tålmodigt väntat på en ny skiva och som stöttat henne i vårt och torrt i över tio år.
“I feel really good because being in a happier place for me mentally means that I’m also able to, I feel, write and create faster and better. So I’m not mad at it. I’m blessed that people still even care about what I’m doing. That’s the other thing. I want to make sure I don’t take that for granted. Me even having people anticipate an album… My first album came out in 2010. My first mixtape came out in 2007. So the fact that people even care is a blessing. And I want to tell everybody that’s watching this, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you guys have done. And that’s why I’m putting quality”, säger hon fortsätter förklara varför albumet skjutits upp:
“I could have been put this album out. I could have been… Some of the songs I wrote four years ago when I thought I was going to put an album out. But no. No. I refuse to do it. I feel like as a leader in anything, you have to be willing to take those kind of risks that you know that you’re not guaranteed to win at, but it’s going to shift the motherfucking culture because if you ain’t going to do it, who will?”
Den 17 november 2023 släpps alltså Nicki Minajs efterlängtade uppföljare till “Pink Friday”, som kom för hela 13 år sedan. Under natten avslöjade rapparen omslaget för skivan i ett inlägg som går att se nedan.
Foto: @charlie_chops