"...to reduce barriers that prevent adolescent girls from completing their education."

Förenta Staternas presidentfru Michelle Obama, även benämnd “first lady”, initierade nyligen kampanjen “Lets Girls Learn” för flickors rätt till utbildning världen över under hashtaggen #62MillionGirls. Kampanjen beskrivs:

“Let Girls Learn is a U.S. government-wide initiative launched by the President and First Lady that seeks to help the more than 62 million girls around the world who are not in school– half of whom are adolescent – go to school and stay in school. These girls have diminished economic opportunities and are more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, early and forced marriage, and other forms of violence. Yet, when a girl receives a quality education, she is more likely to earn a decent living, raise a healthy, educated family, and improve the quality of life for herself, her family, and her community.”

Läs mer här!

I samband med detta initiativ har Michelle Obama även sträckt ut en hand till flera kvinnliga artister för att spela in en “anthem” till projektet. Detta har resulterat i låten “This Is For My girls” med Missy Elliott, Chloe & Halle, Zendaya, Janelle Monae, Kelly Clarkson, Kelly Rowland, Lea Michele och Jadagrace.

Lyssna på låten nedan som inom kort även finns ute via streamingtjänster:
