Han släppte precis sitt nya album “Honestly, Nevermind” – men Drake har redan en mängd planer på gång. Efter den varierande kritiken av skivan hintar nu världsstjärnan om ett nytt “Scary Hours”-projekt och en poesibok. Detta via nystartade radioshowen “Table For One” via SiriusXM.

“Thank you to everybody who helped me with this. Shout-out to Kenzo. Kenzo, I love you. I want to send you some love. Me and Kenzo have a book coming out this year—we have a book coming out this year, a poetry book. So I hope you guys tune into that too ‘cause that’s gonna be some shit. I got another Scary Hours pack coming too, in a little bit. Maybe not right now; I need you to just take this in right now. But I have a Scary Hours—I’m gonna slap some head tops off with the Scary Hours pack. I love this shit”, sa rapparen och sångaren i det första avsnittet där albumet också spelades upp.

Än så länge vet vi inte mer än så, men vad gäller poesiboken är det tydligt att han implementerat samma tänk kring det nya albumet. I samband med släppet delade han med sig av sina textfärdigheter i ett form av uttalande/brev där det bland annat går att läsa:

“I let my humbleness turn to numbness at times letting time go by knowing I got the endurance to catch it another time. I work with every breath in my body cause it’s the work not air that makes me feel alive.” He continued, “That’s some real detrimental shit but that’s that shit my perfectionist mind doesn’t really mind because no one knows whats on my mind when I go to sleep at 9 & wake up at 5—unless I say it in rhyme.”

Läs hela brevet, som publicerats i albumbeskrivningen via Apple Music, nedan. Det senaste “Scary Hours”-projektet kom våren 2021 och gästades av Rick Ross och Lil Baby.

I let my humbleness turn to numbness at times letting time go by knowing I got the endurance to catch it another time

I work with every breath in my body cause it’s the work not air that makes me feel alive

That’s some real detrimental shit but that’s that shit my perfectionist mind doesn’t really mind because no one knows whats on my mind when I go to sleep at 9 & wake up at 5 – unless I say it in rhyme

I can’t remember the last time someone put they phone down, looked me in the eyes and asked my current insight on the times

But I remember every single time someone shined a light in my eyes

I purposely try to forget what went on between some ppl and I because I know I’m not a forgiving guy even when I try

My urge for revenge wins the game against my good guy inside every single fckn time

I got plans I can’t talk about with more than like 4 guys because the last time I shared em with someone on the outside…well that’s another story for another night

I was tryna get thru that statement to get to saying I’m not @ a time in my life where pats on the shoulder help get me by

I’ll take loyalty over an oh my & emoji fire

I know if it was a dark night where all the odds were against my side & my skill went to whoever took my life they’d done me off with a big smile & maybe evn post it for some likes

I know everyone that tells me they love me doesn’t love me all the time especially when im doing better than alright & they have to watch it from whatever point they at in their life

I got here being realistic

I didn’t get here being blind

I know whats what and especially what and who is by my side




Foto: Pressbild
