På dagen fem år efter Bryson Tillers debutalbum “TRAPSOUL”, släpper sångaren idag nya albumet “A N N I V E R S A R Y”. Redan förra veckan kom en deluxe-version av debutskivan och idag släpps även hans tredje albumprojekt, med gästande Drake. Eftersom han har rötterna i Louisville, Kentucky har Tiller inför releasen valt att uppmärksamma fallet Breonna Taylor, istället för att marknadsföra sitt album. På reklamskyltar i hemstaden stod att läsa:

“Dear Breonna Taylor, you’ve brought the city of Louisville together like I’ve never seen before and we will never forget you… -Bryson Tiller #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor and #SayHerName”

Han följde upp kampanjen med inlägg i sociala medier, där han vittnar om den rasism han upplevt på hemmaplan:

“Been doing a lot of thinking about what’s going on in my hometown right now. The blatant racism that I’ve dealt with growing up in Kentucky, whether it was at Church Camp or School or just walking down the street and hearing people drive by and yell out racial slurs, i know exactly how it feels,” he wrote alongside a painting of Taylor. “A lot of us feel like we lost a sister and many of us feel like it was because of racism. And then you have the people who are condemning others based on how they feel which… doesn’t feel right at all. Truth is, all we wanted to see was the right thing be done and here we are feeling wronged once again. We love you Breonna. You brought the city together like i’ve never seen before. Rest easy Queen we will NEVER forget you & will continue to fight for you!”
