Berättar även om den kreativa processen bakom "Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik".
Sannolikheten att vi någonsin får ett nytt Outkast-album är ytterst liten, men nu står det klart att vi trots allt får ny musik av Big Boi tillsammans med hans kollegor i Dungeon Family. I en intervju med Vinyl Me Please säger södern-veteranen att han och Sleepy Brown bildat gruppen The Big Sleepover – och kommer att släppa ett album producerat av Organized Noize senare i år.
“We got a vault full of music, man: me and Sleepy Brown workin’ on a record right now. We formed a group called The Big Sleepover, we’re like six songs in, man. It’s produced by Organized Noize, and it’s me and Sleepy Brown all the way down, man, and we’re gonna drop that shit in a couple months and keep it movin’”, säger han.
Under intervjun pratar Big Boi också mycket om den kreativa processen bakom det klassiska Outkast-albumet “Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik”, som nyligen hade 25-årsjubileum.
“We might be some of the greatest storytellers ever when it comes to music, and you want to paint a picture and evoke certain emotions. You talk about situations you’re goin’ through, things that you see that affect you, and it’s a testament to how you live. I like to say that every album is a diary, and it gives the listener insight into what you were doin’ in-between records, you know what I mean? You just write it down and you put it down on wax.”
Läs hela intervjun här och återupplev albumet nedan!