Wiz Khalifa är klar för en skådespelarroll i kommande TV-serien “Dickinson”, som får premiär på Apple TV+ i höst. Serien är en kontemporär tolkning av poeten Emily Dickinsons unga år, där Wiz ska spela karaktären “Death”. Skaparen bakom serien, Alena Smith, hade Wiz som första alternativ till rollen:
“We literally put Wiz Khalifa on our tone board as this would be the dream, like he’s the aesthetic we want Death to have and then somehow we magically got Wiz Khalifa, so that was incredible. I wanted Death to be the coolest guy in the world because Emily is in love with Death.”
Huvudrollsinnehavaren Hailee Steinfeld delar också entusiasmen över samarbetet med rapparen:
“He read a bunch of it, and he was so into it. He showed up unbelievably prepared,” she said. “He’s got the greatest sense of humor ever. It was just so fun to have that weird crossover as part of our show. It is very different and weird and interesting and exciting, and he is a major element in this show that makes it all of those things.”
Serien kommer handla om Dickinsons kamp i 1800-talets Amerika men kryddat med musik och ett soundtrack där vi kommer få höra hiphop-influerade låtar.
Se trailer för serien som får premiär på Apple TV+ den 1:a november.
“The fundamental fact of her life is, she didn’t publish while she was alive, so her voice never got heard while she was around to have someone hear it. So if we’re hearing it now almost in a beyond the grave kind of way, there’s a reclaiming of power going on.”