"It would be great for the world to see"
Trots att förhandlingarna mellan Common och Warner Bros. om att spela DC:s superhjälte Green Lantern gick i stupet år 2008, är Chicago-rapparen fortfarande angelägen om en framtida roll som han menar hade varit en historisk vändpunkt inom filmindustrin.
Under en intervju med serietidning-sajten ScreenRant.com, berättade Common om sin önskan att få spela den gröna lyktan och bristen på afro-amerikanska superhjältar i Hollywood:
“I would love to be John Stewart and play Green Lantern, that was one of those things where I was so excited because we rarely see African-American superheroes or people of color as a superhero. I think it would be great for the world to see, and for people to see, and for Hollywood to put that out there, too. But just for the world to see, just for kids to be able to see, for all nationalities to see a person of color as a superhero, too.”
Den nylige Oscarsvinnaren fortsatte sedan att förklara hur han förberedde sig inför rollen när han skulle delta i filmen “Justice League”; ett projekt som lades ner men som kommer att produceras på nytt och visas 2017.
“Plus, it’s just for the fun, even the pre-production of getting the ‘go’ and studying Green Lantern. John Stewart is from Detroit, so he was this guy that was really for the community, and I really related to that. He used his powers to help people in the community. I was like, ‘Man, I’m going to be John Stewart, the Green Lantern!’ Unfortunately, it didn’t happen at that time. But maybe the possibility is that it could. I would love to.”
Common har en bred filmografi och har gjort framträdanden i filmer som “Smokin’ Aces”, “Wanted”, “Now You See Me” och den aktuella hyllade Martin Luther King-biografin “Selma”.
// Blerim Mehmeti