"I got my show back and they paid me millions of dollars."
Under helgen återvände “Chappelle’s Show” till Netflix, tre månader efter att huvudpersonen själv begärde att det togs bort från Comedy Central. Chappelle bekräftade själv nyheten i ett inlägg på Instagram där han meddelade att han och ViacomCBS, ägarna av Comedy Central, löst sina problem. Enligt egen utsago får han inte bara tillbaka rättigheterna, utan också miljontals dollar.
“I told people what my beef was with Comedy Central”, säger Chappelle i ett klipp titulerat “Redemption Song”.
“I never talked about it. I demanded that the network paid me. Many of my peers laughed at me, because that’s a ridiculous thing to demand. They said, ‘Well you signed the contract, so what are you even mad about?’ Here’s the thing, I’m very good at minding my own business. And the trick to minding your own business is knowing what is your business. And these people that talk about me, these cowards that rejoice, well they don’t understand what greatness looks like.”
Chappelle tackade också sina fans för att de bojkottat “Chappelle’s Show” på hans uppmaning, samt Netflix för att de tog bort serien när han bad dem.
“I never asked Comedy Central for anything. If you remember, I said I’m going to my real boss, and I came to you, because I know where my power lies. I asked you to stop watching the show and thank God almighty for you, you did. You made that show worthless because, without your eyes, it’s nothing. And when you stopped watching it, they called me. And I got my name back and I got my license back and I got my show back and they paid me millions of dollars. Thank you very much.”
“Chappelle’s Show” finns nu återigen på amerikanska Netflix, dock inte i Sverige.
Foto: Netflix