Leila Steinberg träffade Tupac Shakur på den poesiklass hon höll i Oakland i slutet av 80-talet. Hon blev som en mentor för den unga rapparen innan hon officeillt tog rollen som hans manager när musikkarriären tog fart. I helgen besökte hon SiriusXMs ”The Last Mile Radio” för att prata om den kommande dokumentärserien ”Dear Mama”. Serien följer Tupacs Shakurs liv och fokuserar på relationen till hans mamma, Afeni. Steinberg fick kommentera ”Dear Mama” i SiriusXM och lovprisade arbetet som regissören Allen Hughes gjort med källmaterialet.
“Well, I wanted to say something about ”Dear Mama”. Last year, Allen Hughes reached out to me and said he was doing the five-part series on FX that’s coming out April 21st. Part of wanting to really do this piece was about healing, was about honesty, was about all of us looking at what happened. And, so I’m just saying this to say, he’s done an incredible piece”, sa hon.
Steinberg pratade också hennes arbete som Tupac Shakurs manager och om hur musikindustrin bidrog till hans kollaps.
“I have to sit here as someone who was close to Tupac until his death, who was present many times when I no longer worked with him in a managerial capacity. I was at lots of video shoots that he did. I was in the studio at Can-Am when he was with Suge [Knight]. And this industry is so destructive, that if I point the finger, I would say that executives and this industry had more to do with his collapse than anything”, sa hon.
“Dear Mama” har premiär på FX 21 april. Se trailern här:
Foto: FX Networks