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Skateboard-legendaren Tony Hawk meddelade i våras att hans ikoniska skatespel “Pro Skater 1+2” återlanseras i en re-mastrad nyversion. I spelet kommer du kunna åka bräda med Tony Hawk, Bucky Lasek, Steve Caballero, Geoff Rowley, Andrew Reynolds, Elissa Steamer, Chad Muska, Eric Koston, Rodney Mullen, Rune Glifberg, Kareem Campbell, Jamie Thomas och Bob Burnquist. Spelet innehåller även musik av bl.a Naughty By Nature och svenska Millencolin. Tony Hawk kommenterar återkomsten i en pressrelease:
“The original Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series is a big factor in the evolution of modern skateboarding tricks and inspiring many of the pro skaters you know and love today. I’m excited to help inspire a new generation of skateboarders and gamers – and existing fans – to grow the sport even further”
Vidare beskrivs spelet innehålla följande features:
“…will also include fan-favorite features from games across the entire original franchise, including revert, lip tricks, wall plant and original multiplayer game modes, both online and for local couch play. And yes, Create-A-Park and Create-A-Skater modes are back! New to Create-A-Park this time around is a robust editor enabling new ways of customization. Players will be able to share parks online with friends and outfit skaters with customization options.”
“Tony Hawk’s™ Pro Skater™ 1 and 2” släpps 4:e september 2020 till PlayStation, Xbox eller PC .