Snoop Dogg har tillsammans med sin son, Cordell Broadus, lanserat sin senaste affärsverksamhet Death Row Games. Satsningen görs delvis för att stötta kreatörer från minoriteter inom Fortnite-världen och hjälpa dem designa, utveckla och publicera innehåll.
Tillsammans vill de också “bredda narrativet” för en större publik och bidra med möjligheter till åsidosatta kreatörer.
“Our vision for Death Row Games is to provide access and opportunity to diverse creators to empower them as well as broaden the narrative around what gaming is and can become. We are still in the early stages but my team and I are excited to start building on the UEFN ecosystem where we believe the next generation of audiences are”, säger Cordell Broadus i ett uttalande.
Inför lanseringen har Broadus redan sex år inom spelbranschen, men på en mer amatörmässig nivå. Till AfroTech säger han vidare:
“We’ve been creating games, and none of them have been published anything on a huge scale, but on a very amateur level. We’ve always had the mindset of building it on our own [and] we felt like let’s really put resources into building Death Row Games and making a home for diverse creators in the gaming ecosystem and be a part of the narrative, the storytelling of what the next game should be looking like. And I keep saying ‘show representation of the culture in these sectors,’ versus us just being the talent. We wanted to make sure that we’re part of the decision that’s being made and more importantly tell these stories from diverse creators and focus on creatives in underserved communities.”
Om att samarbeta med sin pappa skojar Broadus till det och säger att Snoop “may be out of touch with some of these things”, men också att det är “empowering” att dela information och resurser med varandra.
“I’m giving him game he’s given me the keys to make these decisions with an IP as big as his.”
I dagsläget finns inget releasedatum för Death Row Games.
Foto: Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports ORG XMIT: USATSI-221430 ORIG FILE ID: 20150204_pjc_cs1_187.JPG