I april lanserade Gearbox Software och 2K trailer och releasedatum för spelet “Borderlands 3”. Randy Pitchford, CEO på Gearbox Software, sade då i ett pressmeddelande:

“For the past several years, the team at Gearbox Software has been devoting every ounce of our passion, creativity and love into making Borderlands 3 the biggest, baddest and most ambitious Borderlands adventure we’ve ever made. Borderlands 3 is being crafted not only as a love letter to fans of the series, but also as an ideal entry point for new players to jump-in alone or cooperatively, on or off-line, in the latest and greatest installment of the definitive best-in-class benchmark shooter-looter.”

Nu släpper man en ny trailer för spelet som går att se nedan. “Borderlands 3” släpps till PlayStation 4, Xbox One och Windows PC den 13:e september 2019.
